Wij hebben iets te vertellen – MyREMEDY Nieuws
30/09/2024: De eerste wetenschappelijke publicatie rondom MyREMEDY is verschenen!
01/04/2024: Wij zijn met de MyREMEDY studie in Nederland begonnen!
Wetenschappelijke publicaties rondom MyDiaMate en MyREMEDY
Mohr, T. C., De Wit, M., Embaye, J., Ehrmann, D., Hermanns, N., Lehmann, G., Ortiz, M. T. A., Murillo, L. T., Winkley, K., Famiglietti, A., Pouwer, F., & Snoek, F. J. (2024)
Effectiveness of the MyDiaMate application in reducing diabetes distress in adults with type 1 diabetes: Study protocol of the multi-national, randomised-controlled MyREMEDY trial.
Diabetic Medicine, e15442.
Embaye, J., De Wit, M., Snoek, F.J. (2024)
Real-world uptake and usage of MyDiaMate, a self-guided web-based application for mental health in type 1 diabetes in the Netherlands.
JMIR Diabetes, 2024;9:e52923.
Muijs, L. T., De Wit, M., Knoop, H., & Snoek, F. J. (2021)
Feasibility and user experience of the unguided web-based self-help app ‘MyDiaMate’ aimed to prevent and reduce psychological distress and fatigue in adults with diabetes.
Internet Interventions, 25, 100414.